
Screening May Miss Pre-cancerous Anal Lesions in Women with HIV

Theo Smart, AIDS Map
March 12, 2015
In an analysis that adjusted first for age and then for multiple other factors, Fanny Ita-Nagy from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, the only risk factor that was significantly associated with high-grade anal dysplasia was being either a current or former smoker (adjusted odds ratio 1.93, or nearly double the risk). Read a summary . See the video of the CROI presentation .

Treating High-grade Lesions to Prevent Anal Cancer in HIV-infected People

National Cancer Institute
March 11, 2015
Why This Trial Is Important This study, called the ANCHOR (Anal Cancer/HSIL Outcomes Research) trial, will investigate whether screening and prevention methods similar to those used to prevent cervical cancer can help prevent anal cancer in HIV-infected men and women. Although anal cancer is rare, people with HIV are much more likely to develop it than people in the general population. Women with HIV are 24 times more likely to develop anal cancer than women who are HIV negative. The risk of anal cancer is 32 times higher for HIV-infected men than that of men in the general population

ANCHOR STUDY: GRAB sat down with Dr. Gary Bucher

Mark Nagel, GRAB
March 10, 2015
Most HIV positive men and women do not even know they are at higher risk for anal cancer. They should participate in the study to once again be at the forefront in HIV care to help us determine whether all HIV positive individuals should be screened and treated for HSIL to prevent anal cancer. Most patients do not want to have an anal exam and most doctors do not want to perform an anal exam, so it is a great way to get the anal care HIV patients need and deserve in a professional and respectful atmosphere while at the same time getting screened for anal cancer. Read On

Study Finds High Rates of Cancer among People Living with HIV

Theo Smart, AIDS Map
March 3, 2015
As pointed out by Eric Engels of the National Cancer Institute, who moderated the CROI panel discussion and was a co-author of the study, HIV has long been linked to three AIDS-defining cancers – Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS), non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) and cervical cancer – the risks of which are greatly increased in people with HIV compared to the rest of the population. Another four cancers – Hodgkin’s lymphoma, anal cancer, lung cancer and liver cancer – are also found more commonly in people living with HIV than in the general population. Read on .

Anal Cancer: Are you at Risk?

Erin N. Marcus, MD, MPH, FACP
February 3, 2015
A Pap smear that many men should get, too One recent morning, a group of men and women sat in a clinic reception room, waiting for their Pap smear appointments. You read that correctly. The Pap smear—a screening test for cervical cancer and longtime fixture of the women’s health exam—is now used to detect and prevent cancer of the anus in both men and women. Experts believe that routine Pap testing could play an important role in curbing a doubling of new anal cancer cases that have occurred over the past three decades. Read on in Positively Aware

Anal Cancer and HPV: What do Gay Men Need to Know?

Emily Newman - Beta Blog - San Francisco AIDS Foundation
January 13, 2015
Anal Cancer and HPV: What Every Gay Man Needs to Know "It’s a chicken and egg kind of situation right now. We haven’t yet established that the procedures to detect anal pre-cancers and early signs of anal cancer should be standard of care. This is because we don’t have firm evidence that they are beneficial. Our approach at the UCSF Anal Neoplasia Clinic, Research, and Education Center is to assume that early screening is beneficial until research tells us otherwise."- Dr. Joel Palefsky, Principal Investigator
