Joel M. Palefsky, MD,CM, F.R.C.P.(C)

PI, Protocol Chair
Associated Study Sites:
Professor of Medicine
Division of Infectious Diseases

513 Parnassus Ave, Room S420

Box 0654

University of California, San Francisco

San Francisco CA 94143

Tel: 415.476.1574

Fax: 415.476.9364

Joel M. Palefsky, MD,CM, F.R.C.P.(C)

Dr. Joel Palefsky is the Chair of the HPV Working Group of the AMC and is the head of the AMC HPV Virology Core Lab. He has extensive experience in studying the biology of HPV infection, HPV infection in HIV-positive men and women, HPV vaccines and in the design and implementation of clinical research trials of HPV-related disease. He has published over 250 papers and is the PI on several laboratory-based and clinical research studies of HPV-associated neoplasia, particularly in the setting of HIV infection. Anal dysplasia occurs in men and women and is especially common among patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). He also specializes in the biology and development of new treatments for HPV and Epstein-Barr virus. He is the founder and president of the International Anal Neoplasia Society and President-elect of the International Human Papillomavirus Society. Dr. Palefsky plays an active role in promoting student research programs at UCSF, advising and recruiting students supervising their research and providing active career guidance. He has won numerous student teaching awards.


  • Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada, M.D.,C.M., 1980, Medicine
  • Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Canada, F.R.C.P(C), 1984, Internal Medicine
  • Stanford University, Stanford, CA, D.A.B.I.M. (Infec Dis), 1989, Medical Microbiology/Infectious Disease