A Message from the CAB

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A note to participants from our Community Advisory Board (CAB)

The ANCHOR CAB is a group of volunteer study participants and community advocates who advise the study team to plan and run the study with participant perspectives in mind. We have worked with the research team from the beginning and are also very pleased to share in the study’s success. The ANCHOR CAB was instrumental in ensuring the $100 ClinCard payments for each study visit continues through the final visit and ensuring a research summary is given to each participant after their final visit, among other recommendations.

Most of all, we thank our fellow study participants for making the study’s success possible. We know firsthand it isn’t always easy to make time for study visits and provide extra samples for research. But our choices to stay in this study have collectively made a real improvement in medical care, which will now be offered to all people with HIV. We hope that putting in the time for study visits has also made a positive difference for your health. Every sample and every visit counts toward the study outcomes, and we couldn’t have done this without you.

We look forward to further findings from this study on how to best prevent anal cancer in people with HIV. Some members of the ANCHOR CAB are continuing to advise as new studies are planned. We are always happy to speak to participants to ensure your concerns are heard and addressed. If you would like to reach out, contact us through the study website at: https://anchorstudy.org/cab.

In partnership, Michael Dorosh, ANCHOR CAB Chair